科研与教学项目:主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、北京市科技计划项目1项、科研横向若干、校内科研教改项目若干,参与973 国家重大立项1项、国家/北京市自然基金面上项目多项、科研横向项目若干。以第一作者发表SCI检索论文10余篇, EI收录5篇,专利10余项。
科研与教学成果:发表论文30余篇,其中以第一作者发表SCI检索论文10余篇, EI收录5篇,专利10余项。
1) Liang X, Ning T, ,et al, Axial Micro-Strain Sensor Based on Resonance Demodulation Technology Via Dual-Mode CMECF, Photonic Sensors, 2019, 9(1): 78-88.
2) Xiao Liang; Yang Li; Zhaoxin Geng; Zhingming Liu ; Selective transverse mode operation of a fiber laser based on few-mode FBG for rotation sensing, Optics Express, 2019, 27(26): 37964-37974.
3) Zhang X; Liang X;, et al, Characteristics of Collimators Based on the Large-Mode-Area CMCF for Coupling Laser Beam, Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(24): 2076-3417.
4) Zuo B, Liang X, et al, Detection of Refractive Index With a TemperatureCompensated MZI-Based Optical Sensor Using Few-Mode Fiber, IEEE Access, 2021, 9(2021): 158651 -158659.
5) Liang X, Zuo B, A precision refractometer using strict dual-mode elliptical multilayercore fibers with temperature and strain decoupled, Frontiers in Physics, 2023, 2023(11) .
6) Liang X, Zuo B. A precision refractometer using strict dual-mode elliptical multilayer-core fibers with temperature and strain decoupled[J]. Frontiers in Physics, 2023, 11: 1127505.
7) Liang X, Wang J, Xu P, et al. GDiPAYOLO: A Fault Detection Algorithm for UAV Power Inspection Scenarios[J]. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2023, 30: 1577-1581.
8) Liang X, Liu Z, Wei H, et al, "Detection of Liquid Level With an MI-Based Fiber Laser Sensor Using Few-Mode EMCF", Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 2015, 27(8): 805-808.
9) Liang X, Liu S, Li Y, et al, "Characteristics of a high extinction ratio comb-filter based on LP 01–LP 11 even mode elliptical multilayer-core fibers", Optical Fiber Technology, 2015, 21: 103-109.
10) Liang X, Li Y, Bai Y, et al, "Stable dual-wavelength laser combined with gain flattening ML-FMF Bragg grating filter", Optics Communications, 2016, 358: 1-5.
11) Liang X, Ren G, Li Y, et al, "In-fiber liquid-level probe based on Michelson interferometer via dual-mode elliptical multilayer-core fiber", Journal of Modern Optics, 2016: 1-6.
12) Liang X, Ren G, Liu S, et al, "Characteristics of HE11-HE21 mode elliptical multilayer-core fiber with low nonlinearity", Optical Engineering, 2014, 53(10): 105104-105104.
13) 梁骁, 刘昱, 李唐军, 等, "160Gbps 光通信系统中光纤准直器的基准插入损耗与功率代价研究", 北京交通大学学报: 自然科学版, 2014, 38(5): 1-6.
14) Liu Z, Yin B, Liang X, et al, "Axial strain and temperature sensing characteristics of the single–coreless–single mode fiber structure-based fiber ring laser", Applied Physics B, 2014: 1-5.
15) Feng T, Yan F, Liang X, et al, "A high stability wavelength-tunable narrow-linewidth and single-polarization erbium-doped fiber laser using a compound-cavity structure", Laser Physics Letters, 2014, 11(4): 045101.
16) Liu S, Yan F P, Wu B L, Tan S Y, Feng T, Liang X, et al, "A multiwavelength thulium-doped silica fiber laser incorporating a highly nonlinear fiber", Journal of Optics, 2014, 16(5): 055201.
17) Liang L, Ren G, Yin B, Peng W, Liang X, et al, "Refractive index and temperature sensor based on fiber ring laser with STCS fiber structure", Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 2014, 26(21): 2201-2204.
18) Feng T, Yan F, Liang X, et al, "A high stability wavelength-tunable narrow-linewidth and single-polarization erbium-doped fiber laser using a compound-cavity structure", Laser Physics Letters, 2014, 11(4): 045101.
19) Liu S, Yan F P, Wu B L, Tan S Y, Feng T, Liang X, et al, "A multiwavelength thulium-doped silica fiber laser incorporating a highly nonlinear fiber", Journal of Optics, 2014, 16(5): 055201.
20) Liang L, Ren G, Yin B, Peng W, Liang X, et al, "Refractive index and temperature sensor based on fiber ring laser with STCS fiber structure", Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 2014, 26(21): 2201-2204.
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